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The objective of the mini-grant program is to encourage educational excellence through the funding of creative teaching and learning projects.

We have added a save for later button which will give you a link to save so you can complete your grant later.

OAS Staff the Fall Mini-Grants will be due September 27, 2024.  We look forward to reading some awesome creative ideas.  Second Semester grant is due January 20, 2025.

  1. Mini-Grants are available to ANY staff member--both Certified and Non-Certified.

  2. Grant awards will be limited to no more than $1,000.

  3. A total of $1,500 are available per semester for Mini-Grants.

  4. All items purchased with mini-grant funds become the property of Oscoda Area      Schools.  Applicants are encouraged to purchase from and use as many local resources as possible.

  5. Individual staff may apply each year.

  6. Applicants should follow the Oscoda Area School District procedures in requesting expenditures or reimbursements from their grant fund.

  7. Mini-Grant recipients are required to provide a brief, written report (including photos, if applicable, to the organization regarding the outcome of their project during the school year in which the grant was awarded.

  8. In the application process, emphasis will be placed on the creativity of the proposed project and number of students impacted. We are always looking for things that enrich the students' education and extend the curriculum;   items that generally not purchased through curriculum funds.

  9. The Grant Application automatically send the Grant to your Administrator, who comments on it, Approves it and submits it to the OEOF. We encouraged you to communicate with your administrator prior to completing the grant.

  10. Types of requests NOT funded:  Requests for funds after an event has taken place.


The grant must have at least one major goal which is aligned to the Core Content or Building/District MICIP (Michigan Integrated Continuous Process).  Completeness of the budget information is important.  The grant application is attached and no more than one additional page may be added.

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